
Adding a Wishlist to Shopify

February 22, 2023

Increasing revenue on an existing site can sometimes prove difficult. Customers can forget products they have saved on their wish list and they may never comeback. This app will ensure that customers never forget about their wish list.

If the customer leaves without buying, the wishlist follow up app sends timed emails (you can adjust the timing of these) to their email address. Ensure when doing these that messages are friendly reminders and not too sales focused.

Good reminders should include:

  • Free shipping
  • Minimum time discounts
  • Money off
  • Seasonal campaigns

To show their confidence in the app they have also created a feature for the app which allows you to see how much extra money you're making. Good eh?

So there it is. Start Using a simple and powerful wishlist app which will require little effort.

You can view the app here:

The demo video is below.


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