
E-Commerce Email Campaigns - How to Get it Right!

February 22, 2023

With so much focus on social media, you would be forgiven for thinking that many companies now consider e-mail to be less important when it comes to communicating with their audience. However, this is not the case.

With the popularity of smartphones and tablet devices, people have access to their email account 24 hours a day, wherever they are. Emails are a great starting point for reaching out to people, and a successful email campaign is likely to be far more beneficial to a company than other forms of e-commerce marketing.

Reasons why this style of campaign is successful include:

  • You can segment lists, providing each user with tailored communication
  • You can provide more detail about your brand or product
  • Reliable analysis of these campaigns can be undertaken
  • They can be run at a minimal cost
  • These campaigns can provide immediate results

With email marketing campaigns so beneficial for online businesses, it is important you know how to get it right.

The good news for beginners and start-up companies looking to develop a successful sales email campaign is that there are so many companies willing to offer assistance through every stage of the process, starting with getting more subscribers. Providers such as Mailchimp, are well known in the industry, but there are many other options to explore depending on need, budget, and suitability.

Testing is crucial when it comes to email campaigns

One thing that is true for all e-commerce companies undertaking these campaigns is that testing is vital. Since every firm is unique, with different consumers engaging and responding in different ways, it is impossible to provide one template that will work for everyone. Areas that should be tailored for each sales email campaign include:

These are all factors to consider before you even create content for the campaign. This will make sure you reach as many of your intended audience as possible.

You need to be direct

While email is a great way to grab the attention of your audience, people can be distracted easily. This means a successful campaign is direct, to the point, and tells people what to do. The language of your content has to clearly convey how to take action, and the benefits gained by taking action.

No one wants to read a lot of content in an email, so the content should be short, sharp and straight to the point. Images can help, but make sure you provide the crux of your offer in simple terms that people can understand quickly.

Content also needs to direct your audience to the right place on your website. There’s no point discussing certain products or ranges and then sending the reader to your home page. If you are discussing a certain product or offer, make sure the link takes the reader directly to it. If you need to create a specific landing page on your site, do so. It is vital that you make the process as simple as possible for the user so they don’t change their mind once the effort becomes too much.

If the purpose of the email is to take action, be it signing up for a specific offer or encouraging a user to buy a product, you want to direct them to the page where they can do the action with just one click. Poor, unrelated links are an issue that prevents many online businesses from achieving success with their campaigns.

You should provide further detail

While a simple action process is vital to creating a successful sales email campaign, it is also an opportunity to convince the recipient to buy. Whether you do this by providing testimonials, or by linking your product to influencers or market leaders will depend on your audience, but you need to provide social proof.

As technology improves, there is more opportunity to use images and video content in email campaigns. Having already segmented your email list, it should be easy to decide which products the recipient will be interested in and how best to display them.

When signing off, always provide one final chance to click to your site or take action. It may be that some readers skim through emails, assuming that there will be an offer at the end. While you don’t want to overload the email with calls to action and links, there is a strong indication that providing a call to action at the beginning, middle and end of your message will ensure that you stand the best chance of connecting with all readers, no matter how they approach their emails.

Getting a sales email right is a challenge, but the benefits are worthwhile. This is why you should take the time to develop a successful sales campaign strategy.


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