
How to Add Products in Shopify

February 22, 2023

In this post we explore how to set up your products in Shopify.

Go to products page on the far left hand side, click on "Add product"

You will then get onto this page. Enter the following:

  • The Title. Ensure the title is accurate, or depending on industry something captivating
  • Description. As with a good novel, you want the reader to read on, so entice them into buying this product. Make it snappy and exciting. Consider what catches your eye when reading product descriptions.
  • Type. Type is the type of product. If you want to change the type you can do so by simply clicking "Create A New Type" on the drop down.
  • Vendor. Vendor is the make of the product. Below you can see it says "e.g. Apple, Shopify". Same again if you want to create a new vendor, click the dropdown and click "Create A New Vendor"
  • Inventory and variants. This is all self explanatory. With "Compare at Price" insert the sale price.
  • Images. Click on choose file. Make sure pictures are on a clear white back ground. Note the picture of the cameras (as above). For more information on product photos view the post on improving product consistency.
  • Collections. Select the collection or category that you want the product to fall under.

Now click save.

These are the basic steps for your products. Enjoy!


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